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[Hunan Daily] Implement the spirit of the plenary session into the work of teaching and educating people

2024-09-14 15:47   来源:Hunan Daily   作者:Yang Sihan   点击:

Hunan Daily September 13 news(All media reporter Yang Sihan) Recently,Study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Party's 20th Central Committee of the provincial Party Committee propaganda group were held in Hunan Normal University, Hengyang Normal College, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Changsha University of Science and technology reports,Members of the provincial Party Committee propaganda group Ren Xiaoshan, Cao Jianling, CAI Wenhui and Zhang Simei preached the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee to Party members, cadres and representatives of teachers and students at various universities。

At Hunan Normal University, Ren Xiaoshan, member of the propaganda group of the Provincial Party Committee, deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and director of the Provincial Film Bureau, made a systematic explanation and profound explanation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party。At the same time, Ren Xiaoshan combined with the actual situation of colleges and universities and Hunan province, Hunan Normal University study propaganda and implementation of the guidance。Jiang Hongxin, secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan Normal University, said that the lecture not only has a theoretical summary and interpretation, but also has a methodology guidance for the actual university, which has a strong guiding significance and practical significance for the school to deeply understand the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party。"The teachers and students of the whole school will deeply study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party, unify thinking, gather strength, and effectively implement the spirit of the plenary session into education, teaching and various work.。”

In Hengyang Normal College,The member of the provincial Party Committee propaganda group and the secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan Institute of Technology, Cao Jianling, deeply understood the significance of the third Plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,The spirit of the plenary session was explained and interpreted comprehensively and systematically,Combined with the reality of universities,The understanding and experience of implementing the spirit of the plenary session and the reform and development of education were discussed。Hengyang Normal University School of Economics and management international trade and e-commerce students Party branch secretary Xie Yuan said,The spirit of educators will be vigorously promoted,Put the people in the first place,Efforts should be made to strengthen the cultivation of students' innovative ability,Respect students' individual differences,To make due contributions to training socialist builders and successors and promoting the construction of a powerful country in education。

In Hunan University of Science and Technology,Member of the provincial Party Committee propaganda group,CAI Wenhui, deputy director of the Provincial Party School (Hunan Institute of Administration) and president of Shaoshan Executive Leadership Academy, from six aspects of "the basic situation of the plenary session" and "a profound understanding of the significance of further comprehensively deepening reform",The spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee is systematically explained and deeply interpreted。Hunan University of Science and Technology deputy Party secretary Xie Hui said,Study well and implement the spirit of the plenary session,It is a major political task for the school at present and in the coming period,The school will organize capable forces to conduct in-depth research and interpretation,Strive to introduce a number of weighty research results,同时,We will carry out coordinated reform of the system and mechanism for education, science and technology personnel,We will accelerate the development of high-level comprehensive universities with distinctive characteristics, first-class in China and influential in the world。

At Changsha University of Science and Technology,Zhang Simei, a member of the Provincial Party Committee propaganda group and professor of the Economic and Social Development Research Center of the Provincial Party Committee Party School (Hunan Institute of Administration), discussed the significance and major achievements of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party, the overall requirements and major measures for further comprehensively deepening reform, the fundamental guarantee for further comprehensively deepening reform and the basic requirements for implementing the spirit of the plenary session,The spirit of the plenary session was systematically and deeply preached and interpreted。Changsha University of Science and Technology Party secretary Fu Hongyuan said after listening to the report,All units of the school will earnestly unify their thoughts and actions to the major decisions of the Party Central Committee,深刻理解党的二十届三中全会精神的核心要义、丰富内涵和实践要求,Armed with the party's innovation theory,Guide practice,Promote work。

Original link:http://hnrb.voc.com.cn/hnrb_epaper/html/2024-09/14/content_1703489.htm?div=-1

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